Table of Contents
Love stronger than death
Song 6:10 - 8:14
Pastor Jose Lam
Order of Service
Welcome >> Worship in Songs
Announcements >> Congregational Prayer
Scripture Reading >> Sermon
Response Song >> Benediction
Sermon Outline
- Love as Strong as Death
- Unpacking the passage
- A Love like the Flame of the Lord
- Love Stronger than Death
— Sermon synopsis:
In the Song, the power of love is likened to the power of death. A man and woman can tell the story of love til death do they part. But in death their story is incomplete.
Therefore this Song causes us to yearn in hope that God will ultimately have the final word on love. For God promises that he is able to raise man and woman back from the dead with a love that is stronger than death. The strength of such love is proven by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to eternal life.
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We long to see the Church being loved like Christ loves the Church.
As such we strive to care for people with the love of Christ and to prepare people to love like Christ.
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