East Sydney Community Christian Church

Things to know about our Live-streaming and In-House Worship on Sundays

For those joining us online on Sundays:
Our service is live on YouTube from 9:30am to approximately 10:45am.
All our previous streams and other videos can be found on our YouTube channel.
For those joining us in-house on Sundays:
Please be aware that our service is being live-streamed, and photos may be taken in the Sanctuary area. If you do not wish to have your image be taken or broadcast, please be sure to be seated up in the Mezzanine.

I'm New
We look forward to meeting with you! Whether that be on Sundays in our worship service, or during the week in our Community Groups and other social events.
Come visit us and share in our fellowship under God’s Word, as we learn and encourage one another from the Bible and from each other.

Service Time
Worship Service Time
Sunday | 9:30am-10:45am
Church Location
8-10, Soudan Street, Randwick, NSW
Online Location
Live-streamed over YouTube.
Holy Communion is typically celebrated on the first week of every month.
Sunday Mandarin Service
时间:上午 11:30am (星期日)

Connect with us
Connect with us during the week through our community groups and events.