Article 4.2 We believe in the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Godhead.
The doctrine of Trinity is very significant and relevant in Scripture But it’s hard to understand, to appreciate and to relate. It’s a mistake to try and grasp the doctrine with the rational mind only. The best way is the way of faith prescribed in Heb 11: 6 “ Without faith it is impossible to please God”.
Faith helps us to believe what God reveals the truth of the triune God as One Godhead. We may not fully understand , but we can believe it as the truth as revealed in the Word.
Creation is the work of Father, Son and Spirit. Gen 1:1 The Father spoke. The world came into being. Gen 1:2 The Spirit created order, form and grandeur on the planet. Col.1:16-17 : All of the universe and earth were created through the Son and sustained by the Son. We should take time to stare at the starry sky and give thanks to our Triune God for the beauty of creation.
Man was created in God’s glorious Image. But through the FALL, the image and fellowship with God was disfigured. As a result Man embraced spiritual and physical death . But out of deep love for man, the Father initiated the global Plan of Salvation (Gen 3:15). He sent His Son to be the suffering Messiah to die on the Cross for the forgiveness of sins (1 Jn 4:10).
The Spirit was sent to bring Man to repent and be reconciled with righteousness back to God (Jn 16:8). We need to thank God for the price of painful suffering borne by our Lord on the Cross.
At the Baptism of Jesus at River Jordan, the Father spoke audibly :”This is my Son whom I love. I am well pleased with His work of redemption”. The Spirit in the form of a Dove, rested on Jesus and anointed Him with power for His ministries (Acts 10:38). The Godhead of Triune God is clearly revealed here. The Son is emphatically loved by the Father and the Spirit. When we love Jesus we also love the Father and vice versa.
Great Commission : The purpose of Jesus declaring the GC is to establish the Kingdom of God throughout the whole world. Every convert is to be baptised in the name of Triune Godhead.
It’s time that all nations be blest. This is to fulfil the covenant given to Abraham (Gen 12:3) Obedience is a mark of love for Triune God.
Prayer of Dedication
Lord here I am … send me.
I desire to be anointed, to be equipped with power, and to bear fruit of glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Pastor Kim Bew Lim