His Grace Is Enough (2 Corinthians 12)

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His Grace Is Enough

2 Corinthians 12

Pastor Jose Lam

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 ESCCC Extraordinary General Meeting 31st July

The ESCCC Board of Elders announce that an Extraordinary General Meeting (‘EGM’) shall be held on Sunday 31st July 2022 in the ESCCC Sanctuary following the English Sunday service. The purpose of the EGM shall be to form a Pastor Search Committee (‘PSC’). The agenda of the EGM is as follows:

* The congregation shall appoint two (2) lay members of ESCCC to help form the PSC.

Prayer Meetings

Every Friday night from 8-9pm we meet over Google Meet and Sunday morning 9:30-10:00am over Zoom or in-person at church.

Mission Prayer Meeting 31 July

Come join our bi-monthly mission prayer meeting and listen to Andrew Poon (OMF) share about their calling.  

Date/Time:- Sunday 31 July, 12:15pm 

Venue: Church office downstairs or online at 

Meeting ID: 311 285 8162

ESCCC Mailing List

Email to be added to the church’s email list to be notified of various things happening around the church.

Missions Support

In support of God’s mission, we encourage all members to give regularly to the ESCCC Missions Fund, according to your means. The EFT details can be found on the Giving and Offerings page.


The Missions Fund will be allocated by the Missions Committee to bless ESCCC and our Mission Partners in missions work.

Electronic Giving

We give to what we love. Due to the restriction of our physical Sunday meetings as a loving precaution against the spread of COVID-19, we will not be able to collect a cash offertory as usual. Electronic giving instructions can be found on the Giving and Offerings page.

Sermon Outline

His Grace Is Enough

2 Corinthians 12


1. God’s power is revealed in our weakness.

i) We boast about what is important.

ii) We do not boast about something just because it is true.

iii) We protest against what is evil, yet we rest in God’s grace.


2. Do not take from those you serve.

i) ‘Super-apostles’ took from the church

ii) The heart of service is as parents loving their children.

iii) The fruit of service is a strong church.


3. His Grace is Enough for life and ministry.

i) Holding confidence and pain together.

ii) Journeying through burnout

iii) God promises to be enough for us.


4. Reflections

i) God’s power is revealed in our weakness.

ii) Do not take from those you serve.

iii) His Grace is Enough for life and ministry.


Prayer and Praise

Prayer points:

1) Kids ministry

Please pray for Vincy, Shing and Allison as they lead a small re-launch of children’s ministry. Pray that the parents of children who come along would be engaged in the spiritual upbringing of their children.

2) Pastor Search Committee

Please pray for wisdom and discernment that the right lay people in our congregations might be selected to join the PSC as we prepare to formally approach candidates to interview them for ministry positions. 

3) Service times

Pray that as a church that we may come to an agreement concerning service times for the English and Mandarin services so that together we may make the sacrifices and arrangements necessary to further proclaim the gospel to our families, friends and surrounding community.

4) Outreach and evangelism

As we look forward to the Mission Prayer Meeting on 31st July, and explore the Two Ways to Live gospel presentation in August ahead of a Mid-Autumn festival outreach event at the end of August, please pray that we would be equipped to know and tell the good news about Jesus to those God would bring into our midst.

Next Week 31 July 2022

Meekness Is Not Weakness

2 Corinthians 13

Pastor Jose Lam


We long to see the Church being loved like Christ loves the Church.
As such we strive to care for people with the love of Christ and to prepare people to love like Christ.

The Pastors and Elders would love to serve you and help you to belong to God’s community here at ESCCC.


Please direct all questions, comments and concerns to:
Please visit for more details and the church’s calendar.

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