Why Don’t You Wash Your Hands? (Mark 7:1-30)

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Why Don't You Wash Your Hands?

Mark 7:1-30

Mr Jimmy Kuswadi

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Sermon Outline

Why Don't You Wash Your Hands?

Mark 7:1-30

This passage describes Jesus’ final confrontation with the Pharisees and teachers of the law in Galilee. Thereafter Jesus never lived in Galilee again but focused His ministry on Judea in the south. The essence of the confrontation this time is about how to be accepted by God: is it by following rules and traditions, or is it by having a clean heart?


Mid-Autumn Festival 16th September 2023

On the 16th of September ESCCC will be hosting a mid-autumn festival celebration, which will include various activities such as handcrafts and games. Dinner will also be provided. Do invite your friends and family along to celebrate mid-autumn festival together with the ESCCC community.

Extra General Meeting (EGM) 17th September 2023

Notice is given that the Church will hold its Extra General Meeting (EGM) on Sunday, 17th September immediately after the English service. A quorum of 40% of members on the register is required to hold a valid EGM.  The proposed EGM motion(s) will be released closer to the EGM date.

Board of Elders Office, Ministry Portfolio, Sub Committees Membership & Ministry Teams for 2023

If you are interested in knowing the Board of Elders Office, Ministry Portfolio, Sub Committees Membership & Ministry Teams for 2023, you can view the full list here: LINK

ESCCC Mailing List

Email to be added to the church’s email list to be notified of various things happening around the church.

Electronic Giving

We give to what we love. Due to the restriction of our physical Sunday meetings as a loving precaution against the spread of COVID-19, we will not be able to collect a cash offertory as usual. Electronic giving instructions can be found on the Giving and Offerings page.

Community Groups @ ESCCC

For visibility and if you would like to join a group, the details of all youth, community groups and prayer meetings can be found here.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer meetings are held on these days every week:

Join us as we pray together as the body of Christ, and if you have any prayer requests, don’t hesitate to submit them here.

You can choose to submit your requests anonymously.

Missions Support

In support of God’s mission, we encourage all members to give regularly to the ESCCC Missions Fund, according to your means. The EFT details can be found on the Giving and Offerings page.


The Missions Fund will be allocated by the Missions Committee to bless ESCCC and our Mission Partners in missions work.

Prayer and Praise

Next Week: 10 September 2023

Who Do You Say I Am?

Mark 8:11-30

Mr Jimmy Kuswadi


We long to see the Church being loved like Christ loves the Church.
As such we strive to care for people with the love of Christ and to prepare people to love like Christ.

The Pastors and Elders would love to serve you and help you to belong to God’s community here at ESCCC.


Please direct all questions, comments and concerns to:
Please visit for more details and the church’s calendar.

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