Angela Wong (AFES @ UTS Credo)

About Angela Wong (AFES @ UTS Credo)

Main Outreach Focus:
International student ministry



Lorem ipsum


More about Angela:

Angela Wong has been attending ESCCC since high school. In 2019, Angela committed to serve as a staff worker with Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) at UTS for a term of 3 years. Her mission field is the overseas students attending UTS, mainly from China, due to her Mandarin proficiency. AFES has a self-funding model where the staff worker raises the annual remuneration (48K) and overheads/training (12K). As a home-grown Mission Partner, ESCCC commits to support her in prayer and enabling her to raise financial support from members as well as a church contribution ($3,000 in 2019, $6,000 in 2020).


Our Financial Commitment:

Lorem Ipsum

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