1) God has a great message of salvation.
When Jonah obeyed the calling of God, he did exactly what God commanded him to do. He preached God’s message of judgement to the great city of Nineveh. Unless they repented from their evil and wicked ways, God’s destruction would come on them. In our time, when God calls us to preach / share the Gospel of forgiveness, would we obey like Jonah? It’s a solemn challenge to us. It’s a life and death matter.
2) Obedience Honours God
The message Jonah preached was a power-packed and life changing message. All the Ninevites repented, including the King. They fasted, out on sacked cloths, sat on the sand, and called on Jehovah God. They turned from their evil ways. The preaching of the Gospel has brought mass conversions among many nations and tribes. I have witnessed the power of the Gospel and the working of the Holy Spirit at Billy Graham crusades where tens of thousands have turned to Christ.
3) The Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation (Rom 1:16)
When we present the Gospel, we can have confidence in the power of the Gospel and the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. It’s not dependent on our ability and persuasiveness to convert people. I like to use the Word in a simple pattern so they can understand the message of God. I need to make an effort to remember relevant Bible verses to present the Gospel.
The following pattern of verses have given me confidence:
- Jn 3:16 – That God so love the world (include the hearer)
- Rom 3:23 – All have sinned (because of sin, we need a saviour)
- Rom 6:23 – The wages / result of sin is death, but gift of God is eternal life.
- Rom 5:8 – God demonstrate His love towards us. Christ died for our sins.
- 1 Jn 1:9 – If we confess our sin, God is faithful to forgive us our sins.
- Jn 1:12 – As many as receive (trust) Christ Jesus, He gives the right to be a child of God.
- Rev 3:20 – Jesus stands at our heart’s door and knock: He comes in when invited.
In my many years of experience of presenting the Gospel to relatives, friends at golf, a university, various churches, local and overseas, I have seen the Holy Spirit transformed lives. I have no doubt the Spirit would do the same for you as a partner of the Gospel.
4) ESCCC have prayer and giving commitment to:
Overseas Council Australia
Open Doors
Jesus Power Evangelistic Mission in Kenya
For Better Life Foundation in Thailand
You are encouraged to join our Short Term Mission to Thailand in December 2018 led by Jacqui Lum to catch a passion in serving with the locals.
Please give generously and pray fervently to all our committed Overseas Mission bodies.
Pastor Kim Bew Lim